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2025 Spring Baseball Key Dates

**The dates below are tentative and are subject to change**

Event Date Description
Registration Opens1/1Registration opens.  Waitlists may begin at any time.
Player Evaluations Sign-up Opens1/29Sign-up for an evaluation time slot opens
Pre-Season Parent Meeting2/12Meeting to learn more about our league and the upcoming season
Player Evaluations 2/9

Attendance at only one evaluation is required (for non Tee Ball players only)

Sign-up details will be emailed to registered players

February 9th time and location - Coach Pitch (A/AA) Divisions only:
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Olentangy High School
675 Lewis Center Rd
Lewis Center, OH 43035

February 16rd time and location - Player Pitch (AAA/AAA+/Major) Divisions only:
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Olentangy Berlin High School
3140 Berlin Station Road
Delaware, OH 43015
Player Pitch Draft2/25D-BAT Columbus North
Time TBD
459 Orangepoint Drive
Suite E
Lewis Center, OH 43035 
Coaching Workshop -
Coach Pitch Divisions
3/11D-BAT Columbus North
Time TBD
459 Orangepoint Drive
Suite E
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Team Rosters Released3/14Rosters will be released by this date to all coaches and parents
DICK'S Shop Days
TBD 20% Discount Day on all gear and apparel at DICK'S Sporting Goods - Location TBD
Field DayTBDSpring cleaning of all fields. Parent and Volunteer participation is encouraged.  Email us at [email protected] if you are available to help.
Equipment Pickup3/18Time & Location TBD
Pre-Season Volunteer Meeting3/20Mandatory meeting for all coaches and volunteers
Team Schedules Released 3/22 Practice and game schedules will be posted by this date
Practices Begin 3/31 Practices will begin starting the week of March 31st for most divisions
Games Begin4/19Games will begin starting the week of April 19th for most divisions
Opening Day 4/25 All-League Celebration for all divisions
Division Tournaments
6/3 - 6/5End-of-Season tournament begins for Major and "AAA+" Minor Divisions
Minor Division Tournaments 6/8 End-of-Season tournaments begin for "A", "AA", and "AAA" Minor Divisions
A/AA All-Star Tournaments 6/15 Post-Season all-star tournaments for "A" and "AA" Minor divisions
End of Season6/15All events will be concluded by this date
District 6 10u/11u Tournaments 6/28 - 7/4 Ohio District 6 tournaments that lead to the 10-Year-Old and 11-Year-Old Little League Ohio State Tournaments
District 6 12u Tournament 7/5 - 7/12 Ohio District 6 tournament that leads to the Little League World Series

2025 Spring Softball Key Dates

**The dates below are tentative and are subject to change**

Event Date Description
Registration Opens1/1Registration opens.  Waitlists may begin at any time.
Player Evaluations Sign-up Opens2/7Sign-up for an evaluation time slot opens
Coaches Social at Pastimes Pub & Grill2/7Save the date to join all of our volunteer coaches for a night out!
Player Evaluations 3/1
Attendance at one evaluation is required (for non Tee Ball players only)

Register for a time slot through our website

Time TBD
Olentangy High School
675 Lewis Center Rd
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Team Rosters ReleasedTBDRosters will be released by this date to all coaches and parents
DICK'S Shop Days
TBD 20% Discount Day on all gear and apparel at DICK'S Sporting Goods - Location TBD
Field DayTBDSpring cleaning of all fields. Parent and Volunteer participation is encouraged.  Email us at [email protected] if you are available to help.
Coaching Clinic4/3D-BAT Columbus North
Time TBD
459 Orangepoint Drive
Suite E
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Player Clinic4/6D-BAT Columbus North
Time TBD
459 Orangepoint Drive
Suite E
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Practices Begin 4/21 Practices will begin starting the week of April 22nd for all divisions
Opening Day 4/25 All-League Celebration
Games Begin5/10Games will begin starting the week of May 10th for all divisions
End-of-Season Tournaments6/23 - 6/27End-of-Season tournaments begin for "AA", "AAA", and Major Divisions
End of Season6/27All events will be concluded by this date
Coach Pitch All-Star Tournament7/5Post-Season All-Star tournament for coach pitch division(s)
District 6 Tournaments TBD Ohio District 6 tournament that leads to the Ohio State and Little League World Series Tournaments

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